In depth featured articles

Focused articles published here are designed to give the reader a more in depth understanding of the Luxriot EVO software and some of the more interesting features that come with all paid for versions of the software. EVO is continually being developed with integrators such as ourselves adding feature requests to the developers.

Some of these in depth featured articles are edited from original publications, by permission, by Luxriot.

RTMP Video Streaming EVO to YouTube

Video Streaming to YouTube

Streaming Video from EVO Servers direct to YouTube and other RTMP servers. Share Video with users around the world, add password features and recording through your YouTube account and Creator Studio Tools.

Further Reading ...

Playing Back Video in EVO

Video Playback

Playing back your video streams could not be easier with options for Instant Playback direct from live monitoring screen, Archive Playback, Smart Search, Sequenced Search, Bookmarks, VCA, FR and ANPR searching. WIth export to AVI, MP4 & MKV formats.

Further Reading ....

Luxriot EVO Events and Actions

Events and Actions

Luxriot Build in Events and Action along with an insight into External Serial Data. These powerful built in utilities enhance your Luxriot Servers capability allowing better levels of automated security CCTV digital video surveillance.

Further Reading ....

How to install your ANPR Cameras

ANPR Camera Installation

Advice and tips on how to set-up and install your ANPR camera.

Taking into account angles of view, lighting and size of licence plate. Each camera site is unique and this guide will help ensure you get the maximum from your Luxriot ANPR (LPR) software.

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Luxriot Mobile App

Mobile APP: How to Stream and Record

How to stream your mobile device video camera, including tips and advice on how to set-up port forwarding and your internet router to allow use of the mobile App and remote http access.

Record while offline and then upload your footage to your EVO Server.

Further Reading ...

Firewall Security

Identify potential risk to your networks and restrict access; Configuring the extensive Luxriot EVO UAC controls and your Firewall to restrict access to your EVO Recording Servers and Luxriot Monitor Clients.

Secure your data through better network design and user management.

Further Reading ...

Luxriot EVO Monitor

EVO Monitor

When you buy Luxriot EVO software you are investing in a comprehensively designed video management solution. User friendly Luxriot Monitor sits at the heart of your user experience delivering an easy to use adaptable interface for the display, management and replay of your video and event data.

Further Reading ...

EVO Audio Intergration

All About EVO Audio

Luxriots EVOS implementation of audio recording is versatile and designed in part to meet the demanding requirements of Casino CCTV Security. EVO audio sources can be shared between camera video devices with a microphone on camera 1 being used for both monitoring and recording onto cameras 2,3 & 4.

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